Kamonegix is the main song from NMB48's 8th single Kamonegix, by Senbatsu. The song is also included in NMB48's 2nd album Sekai no Chuushin wa Osaka ya 〜Namba Jichiku〜.
Information :
Artist : NMB48
Composer/Arranger : Inoue YOSHIMASA
Kanji Title : カモネギックス
English Title : Kamonegix
Single : Kamonegix (NMB48)
Album : Sekai no Chuushin wa Osaka ya 〜Namba Jichiku〜 (NMB48)
Stage :
-Team N 3rd Stage (Medley)
SKE48 National Tour: SKE to kekkai shukai. "Hako de ose!" (SKE党決起集会。「箱で推せ!」) is SKE48's first large national tour. It was announced during the AKB48 5 Big Dome Concert Tour Nagoya Dome performance on August 17, 2013.
The concerts were as follow:
- October 26, 2013 in Kobe World Hall (An afternoon and evening performance were held)
- December 5 and 6, 2013 in Yokohama Arena
- February 1 and 2, 2014 in Nagoya Dome
This tour was also SKE48's first solo appearance in Nagoya Dome, fulfilling the goal the group set together after appearing on the national Kouhaku Uta Gassen in 2012.
The title of this concert means "Support the Group". Fitting with the name, all 48 members of SKE48 got to participate in a shuffle unit during the Kobe World Hall concert. This is one of the only large-scale 48-Group concerts to allow all members of the group a position in a small unit song.
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