【台風12号の中を通過】B787で行く大阪伊丹発 東京羽田行き Osaka RJOO to Tokyo RJTT

新しいフライトシミュレータ(Lockheed martin製のPrepar3D V4)で飛んでます。
Thanks for worldwide watching!!
I'll mainly play this simulator on weekend. It is a passenger simulator mainly delivered on the weekend. Unnecessary sounds other than the sound of the aircraft itself are eliminated as much as possible so that it can be enjoyed also as working BGM. You can add another things yourself and set it for your favorite environment and enjoy it. Departure place and destination are random. Domestic flights, International flights, Cessna flight, Fighter jet flight etc. are all there. It takes a real time, so you'll feel bored. I'll try to fly with new flight sim Prmiepar3D V4 produced by Lockheed martin.
NOTE:Sometime, simulator stops halfway to the destination by cats or computer problem.

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