Su Shanshan 苏杉杉 Air Su SHN48 BEJ48 commented on Xin Liu and Duan Xiaowei 青春有你2 Youth With You Season 2
苏杉杉,昵称33,Air,杉杉的应援色是橙色,因为杉杉想成为太阳一样的偶像温暖大家。 第六届总决选中,在大家的支持下她获得了全团第14,BEJ第二,以及E队第一的成绩,也因此有机会在更高的地方闪耀。在下一段旅程里,也请大家继续尽全力支持她吧! 喜欢的杉杉的朋友们请关注微博 BEJ48 苏杉杉, BEJ48 苏杉杉应援会 欢迎加入BEJ48 苏杉杉应援会 QQ 群号367765646 邮箱: sushanshan433officialfanclub@gmail.com 感谢收看我们的视频,如果喜欢杉杉的视频,别忘了点赞分享和订阅我们,留下你的评论与对杉杉的一切疑问。
video by BEJ48 Sushanshan official fan club
Su Shanshan, nicknamed 33, Air, Shanshan's support color is orange, because Shanshan wants to be the sun-like idol to warm everyone. In sixth general SNH48GROUP election, with the support of everyone, she won the 14th place in SNH48GROUP, 2nd place in BEJ48, and 1st place in team E, and therefore have the opportunity to shine in a higher place. In the next journey, please also continue to do our best to support her! If you like this video or you are interested in Shanshan Please follow her Weibo BEJ48 Sushanshan, and BEJ48 Sushanshan Official Fan Club QQ group number: 367765646 Mail: sushanshan433officialfanclub@gmail.com Thank you so much for watching this video .
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Song:[UNIVERSE] by BEJ48 苏杉杉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWHR9...
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